Cabaret of the Macabre

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Presented for your consideration are tales from the Cabaret of varying spookiness and perculiarity. For viewing convenience, they are grouped into 'baskets', usually sharing main characters or themes.

Please note that some stories may not be appropriate for all audiences. Where needed, I have put a [M] content marker to identify those mature content, usually gruesome content.

The Many Misadventures of Maeve and Orwell

General audiences. A teenaged witch and her science-minded prodigy friend go on various little adventures.

MANSON: Mythosapien Esquire

Mature audiences.Snippets of the un-life of one Mr. Manson, a Puritan lawmaker risen from his grave in the 1960s, and his encounters with modernity.

Tales from the Cabaret

Varying audiences.Various tales from the Cabaret's regulars and unusual patrons. [*] indicates tales that don't neatly connect with the Cabaret directly, but are in the same universe nonetheless.

To do: Add more stories!