Cabaret of the Macabre

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Lloyd Orwell Peters

There are many things to say about young Orwell - he is a kind, intelligent young man, perhaps a little closed-minded when it comes to the world of mythosapiens, but always willing to learn. His curiosity gets the better of him at times, especially when it comes to exploring things with his best friend, Maeve.

A prodigy and scholar, Orwell is currently attending the University of Miami as a student after skipping several grades. He is a bright soul, but often finds himself beaten down by the weight on his shoulders (and, more importantly, the feeling of missing out on the most important years of his life.) Maeve is dragging him through the calamity of being a teenager, and the general confusion of a regular human in a world only shown in folklore and mythology.

I have startled Orwell many a time with my size, but he seems eager to listen to what I have to say. It's a rare treat in a world as chaotic as his. One might call him cowardly, but I simply think he is disused to his surroundings. One day he'll be able to walk the halls of the Cabaret unflinching, I just know it.

~ C. Psomas

MAEVE: HE'S MY BEST FRIEND!!! And wicked smart too, I do alchemy with him all the time and he's really good at it!!

ORWELL: Augh, did she have to put my first name on there?

Author's Notes