Mr. Brennos Latrans Lobhadh
- Mythosapiens sanguibere (amalgam?)
- ~335 years old (23 at death)
- August 6th
- Hails from Salem, Massachusetts
- Male, he/him
- ~17' tall
Brennos is, perhaps, one of the most bizarre individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Approximately seventeen feet of patchwork flesh, fur, and bone, Brennos built himself a new body from scratch after being burned alive at the stake. Another unfortunate victim of the Salem Witch Trials.
He is not a true vampire, but he is vampiric in nature - I have witnessed him drinking blood and consuming raw meat for sustenance. Brennos is our host when we visit the Cabaret, as he is its owner.
Brennos has a vast collection of oddities he has amassed over his centuries of undeath. He is fiercely protective over this collection, so most are only permitted to look from a distance. A lucky few are given tours. Despite his menacing appearance and general demeanor, Brennos is a true gentleman - I have known nothing but kindness and hospitality in his presence.
~ C. Psomas
MAEVE: GRAMPS!!! He's not a very good hugger but he tries his best, plus he has unfathomable wisdom
ORWELL: I will never physically, emotionally, or mentally recover from our first meeting. I stared death in the face.
Author's Notes
Character created by ROADKILL FRANKENSTEIN.
Current artwork is an excerpt from "Schedel'sche Weltchronik-Dog head.jpg", Wikimedia Commons.